2024 TreePlotter User Conference Recordings

1) Work Order Management (WOM) Skills Sharing 

Moderator: Russell Horsey
Presenter: Andy Lederer, Oxfordshire County Council


2)  Nonprofits and TreePlotter Solutions

Moderator: Russell Horsey and Cherry Drudge-Coates
Presenters: Ian McDermot and Nina Griffiths, Birmingham Tree People


3)  BS5837 - Developing and Delivering Tree Surveys in UK

Presenter: Cherry Drudge-Coates


4)  TreePlotter Hints, tips and tricks

Presenters: PlanIT Geo Professional Services Team


5)  Customizations: What is actually possible?

Presenters: PlanIT Geo Professional Services Team


6)  How to Grow Your Volunteer Program

Moderator: Beth Corrigan
Presenter: Taylor Melone, Up With Trees


7)  Making Decisions with TP Canopy

Moderator: Peter Aldag
Presenter: Brett KenCairn and Daniel Hanson, City of Boulder 


8)  Sharing Tree Data with others

Moderator: Rocky Yosek
Presenter: Sean O'Neill, City of Albuquerque


9)  API Integration

Moderator: Maggie DeLauter
Presenter: Kyle McLaughlin & Laura Wright, City of Burlington, Ontario


10)  The Uploader

Presenter: PlanIt Geo Professional Services Team


11)   Customizations: What is actually possible?

Presenter: PlanIt Geo Professional Services Team


12)   TreePlotter for Private Tree Care Operations

Moderator: Judith Menzl

Presenter: Roger Rankine, Independent Arboricultural Services


13)   API/Service Request Integration

Moderator: Maggie DeLauter

Presenter: Ben Kenyon, Homewood Consulting